Bits & Commons: 10th Anniversary of Creative Commons Poland
Kiedy: 28 września 2015, 14:00 – 20:00
Gdzie: Warszawa, Mysia 3 (dawna siedziba Głównego Urzędu Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk)
“Bits & Commons” is the 10th Anniversary celebration of Creative Commons Poland. The one day meeting will present key developments related with the Creative Commons licensing, in Poland and abroad. We want to demonstrate the role played by Creative Commons in introducing a non-proprietary approach to knowledge, education, culture and innovation and in enabling sharing across societies. Our aim is to engage through this event a broader range of stakeholders, that goes beyond people and institutions supporting and interested in “open”.
We’re organising a one day conference with a dynamic format comprised of short presentations, talks and discussions.
When? 28th September 2015, 14:00 – 20:00
Where? Mysia 3 (in the former location of the communist-era Main Office of Control of Press, Publications and Shows)
Conference program
Why network society needs digital commons?
14:00 – 15:15
The event will start with a keynote highlighting key developments in the access to knowledge / open / copyright reform movements in the broader context of an open and engaged digital society, tying openness with other developments and challenges we face today.
Chair: Anna Mazgal (Centrum Cyfrowe)
dr Justyna Hofmokl (Creative Commons Polska)
Edwin Bendyk (DELab UW, „Polityka”)
From Creative Commons to the Public Domain
15:15 – 16:25
CC licenses are means to a goal: greater freedom within the copyright system. In this panel we’d like to discuss whether they have been an effective tool in achieving the goal. Do they effectively open content in key domains, provide access to knowledge and education or do they stall the system midway? In the future, should we apply them with greater force – or consider alternatives, which include copyright reform and strengthening the public domain?
Chair: dr Alek Tarkowski (Centrum Cyfrowe / Creative Commons Polska)
Barbara Szczepańska (Hogan Lovells / EIFL)
John Weitzmann (Creative Commons Germany)
Jarosław Lipszyc (Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska)
break | 16:25 – 16:55
From Creative Commons to Open Innovation
16:55 – 18:05
Opening up resources happens also in competitive economy. For some it has become a viable part of their business, for some it has turned out to be a competitive disadvantage, while some have flourished. What are the lessons learned? Has the experiment worked well enough to be replicated? How?
Chair: Jan Strycharz (Warsztat Innowacji Społecznych)
Tadeusz Chełkowski (Adobe Polska /
Peter Bihr (The Waving Cat)
przerwa | 18:05 – 18:20
From Creative Commons to Personal Commons
18:20 – 19:30
Sharing content with the use of free licensing is a powerful, empowering personal experience. Millions of people use CC licenses, but tens of millions more own copyrights and decide not to share. What are personal motivations for sharing? Could release of works by public figures become a new type of philanthropy of their heirs?
Chair: Kamil Śliwowski (Fundacja Panoptykon / Creative Commons Polska)
Michelle Thorne (Mozilla Foundation)
Paweł Sroczyński (Fundacja Cohabitat)
Closing talks
19:30 – 20:00
prof. Anna Giza-Poleszczuk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Jacek Łęgiewicz (Samsung Electronics Polska)